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Success Story

Chris hired a Director of Operations

“In the digital marketing world, I think that you guys offer tremendous value.”

The Intro:

Faced with the need to hire a remote savvy Director of Operations for their agency, Chris Snellgrove, the CEO at Atlanta-based digital marketing agency Reputation Sensei by Digital Media Nation knew they would need help.

“We’ve always had local people in the office.” Chris explains. “And that certainly limits your talent.”

Having first worked with local agencies for junior roles since they first started operating in 2016, the Digital Media Nation Team knew they would have to up their game and extend its search beyond their local area to gain access to an extensive and more diverse pool of candidates.

Chris Snellgrove
Reputation Sensei
Advertising Services
United States

The Challenge:

Initially trying their hand at handling the hiring process independently, Chris and his team would soon find the exercise a daunting and time-consuming challenge. Throwing in the towel, they reached out to other agencies where they again were faced with another challenge, this time, to their pockets.

”The price point was just sky high, it was beyond our reach.” Chris explains.

The Solution:

Partnering with Remotivate, Chris felt that here finally was the right kind of help that his company needed.

“You did your due diligence to understand what our true needs were, to understand our personality, and to make sure the candidate was a good fit. That was really impressive.” Chris shares of his experience with the initial client on-boarding call and interview.

Having already seen fLS

Grady Colson
Director of Operations

The Results:

The search for the A-Player Director of Operations involved inviting over 990 candidates across the US, ​​which resulted in a robust pool of 467 applications.

These applicants were then evaluated and filtered to produce a selection of 18 candidates out of which, 4 were hand-picked to move forward to final conversations with the Digital Media Nation team.

By the third week, Chris already knew that they have found their new Director of Operations in the person of Grady. 

“He brings over 23 years of operational expertise and it’s pretty exciting to have him in our camp” Chris enthuses.  “He comes from a much bigger agency, they were doing 50 million a year plus, so we’re looking forward to him helping us grow.”

If you or your team could use some help hiring an A-player, or even if you just need more qualified candidates for your pipeline, just grab a time slot on Anna’s calendar here, and book a free demo call with her to find out how to take your remote hiring process to a whole new (and much better) level!

“In the digital marketing world, I think that you guys offer tremendous value.”
Chris Snellgrove
Reputation Sensei

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Remotivate helps digital companies hire remote superstar talent in leadership and management roles, using a proprietary vetting and filtering process, so you can focus on growing your business.